Today I start this tribute to our son, Ronald Tyler Woodle, born October 7, 1983
a beautiful 10lb 2oz, brown eyed baby boy! I think he was born with a smile on his face! Our precious gift from God! He grew fast and was always so very loving and happy as a baby! Such a smart little guy, he was always getting into things and laughing! Ron, his dad, called him "El Destructo"! I remember his laugh so well, he sounded like "Spanky" on the Little Rascals! His voice was deep and raspy and so very cute! There was always lots of laughter in our home with our little Tyler! We dedicated his life to our Lord and Savior when he was 1 year old. He always had a love for Jesus as a little boy. Asking everyone if they knew Jesus as their Lord! Tyler gave his life to the Lord when he was 7 years old, I remember it well, our church was just beginning and we had a special celebration at a Baptist Children's Home. We were beside a lake and it was such a beautiful setting! I even have a photo of Tyler praying that day! Such a special gift from the Lord for us at this time.
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