Thursday, June 10, 2010

Tyler........our son.....

Tyler loved video games!! From Nintendo and Game Boy when he was little to a 26 year old Navy SEAL!! His goal was to beat the game, that's all! He would play for hours until he beat it, then he needed another game!! He was the only little boy I ever met who could play at an Arcade for an hour on 1 quarter!! (while we all begged him to let it go) He would have his little friends over to play and then they mostly got to watch him try to beat the game!! He taught his two papaws only enough of the game so he could beat them at it and then he laughed!! Tyler had fun in anything he did!!

Prayer for today for my SEALS and all our precious military!!


Faithful Father, Your mercy and compassions never fail; they are new every morning. May our loved ones and all our troops freshly experience Your mercy as they get up each morning. May Your compassion rain down upon them, and may they see Your great faithfulness each day. (Lamentations 3:21-23)

God be with you this day and all the days to follow!! thank you for taking care of us!
Hooyah Tyler Woodle......

Thank You......

Thank you Susie, Dalton's Christian Book Store, Meriah M. and all who gave at Rehoboth, Jim Dykes and NABC you all have given so much to share Jesus and for the glory of God the Father!! May He bless you all as He blesses these gifts of grace and love!!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tyler in Hell week......God was with him!!

Prayer for SEALS and all military... for today...#1

Protection.... Thank You Lord, for the courage and selfless service of our military troops. May our loved ones and all who serve around the world turn to You for rest and protection. Keep them safe from all hidden dangers and deadly diseases. May they not fear the terrors of night or the disaster that strikes at midday. Order Your angels to protect them wherever they go. Keep their feet from slipping, and hold them securely in Your strong right hand until they are safely home again. Amen

Psalms 91:1-11, 121:3, 139:10
May God be with you all! We pray for you at 6pm daily!!
Hooyah Tyler Woodle, we love you SEALs!!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Hooyah Tyler Woodle....we salute you!!

February 20,2010.....

Thank You......

Waynesville, NC...You showed the American Spirit of Patriotism on February you honored one of your own.......

Fire Departments, all of you!
Police Dept.......
Sheriff's Dept.......
Town's people....
Well's Funeral Home.....
You are awesome!! You all showed such respect for our Tyler. We were all so touched! Police and Deputies, Firemen all wearing their dress uniforms saluting and holding their hats in respect for Tyler. The fire trucks were so powerful with their ladders raised with the American Flag flying above us! WOW What true Americans we live with! People on the street with their hats off and their hands on their hearts! Thank you fom the depths of our hearts, our family was so blessed that day!! Thank you Mr. Greeley and staff for also treating our son and our family with so much respect and dignity. Waynesville you are awesome!! The Commadore and Commander as well as all of the SEALS were impressed with the Town of Waynesville!! May God bless you all, we will never forget it!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


taken from the book, Find Your Wings....

Matthew Henry said that,"when God is about to give His People the expected good, He pours out a Spirit of prayer, and it is a good sign that He is coming towards them in mercy."

With each step of your journey and each prayer spoken on your behalf, you are drawn closer to the One who planned good things for you.
How does prayer help you along the path? Why is it essential to finding your wings? Augustine of Hippo reminded us that "prayer is not merely expressing our resent desires. Its purpose is to exercise and train our desires so that we want what He is getting ready to give us. (think about that for a moment) His gift is very great, and we are small vessels for receiving it. So prayer involves widening our hearts to God.
Never doubt the power of prayer. Never doubt God's love for you and His desire that you have a future rich in blessings. Ask and you shall receive, knock and the door will be opened.

Tyler's song...

when this song came out I put it on my phone, it was Tyler's ringtone for calls to mom, when he left for Great Lakes to train I wrote these words down and put them with a letter to Tyler, God saw my son through to finding his wings and helped him to fly.....
"Find Your Wings" Mark Harris

It's only for a moment you are mine to hold The plans that heaven has for you Will all too soon unfold So many different prayers I'll pray For all that you might do But most of all I'll want to know You're walking in the truth And If I never told you I want you to know As I watch you grow Chorus: I pray that God would fill your heart with dreams And that faith gives you the courage To dare to do great things I'm here for you whatever this life brings So let my love give you roots And help you find your wings May passion be the wind That leads you through your days And may conviction keep you strong Guide you on your way May there be many moments That make your life so sweet Oh, but more than memories Chorus: It's not living if you don't reach for the sky I'll have tears as you take off But I'll cheer as you fly