Saturday, November 24, 2012

another Thanksgiving!

     Well another Thanksgiving Day has come and gone since our sweet Tyler left us. I miss him so much and so many others do as well, yet we cannot live in the past. Our Tyler is celebrating every holiday with Jesus now! For that I am most thankful and I will see him again one day!
      We have so very much to be thankful for,  our God is faithful, He covers us with His wings of love and carries us through each day of this life! We are only passing through this world on the way to meet our Maker, this is not our home. If only we all could live in this mind set each and every day, then and only then would we truly know peace.
     Sometimes we place too much emphasis on a day like, Thanksgiving. The media would have us believe that it is so very important to be with lots of family and friends on this day. That our life would be complete if we have a huge family dinner together with everyone on this day. Well I believe that Thanksgiving is something that should live in our hearts everyday of the year and that our Lord Jesus is the only One Who really makes everyday special in this life. I love my precious family, all of them, but I know that I am truly never alone even when I am not with them,  He is my peace, my comfort, my only help in times of trouble!
     So wherever you are today, and were on Thanksgiving Day, remember that it is only one day of your life that you should be thankful for! You did not miss out on anything if your were not with a huge family, the God of the Universe was and is with you! Now that's something to be thankful for!
     Today and always, be extra thankful for our military, our SEALS, and all of our troops. They spend many special days away from their families, friends, loved ones,  just to keep us safe at home. We get turkey and all the trimmings in peace and they get cold, damp grounds, fear, pain, worry, loneliness, along with having to do things they sometimes can not live with, just for us to be free and safe! And we think we have problems!  Thank them, and pray for them, send cards and packages to bring some comfort far from home this year! Enjoy your freedom!
         Giving thanks always, in Jesus!!  HOOYAH!  Thanks for the special phone calls from our guys on Thanksgiving! Tyler's brothers! Now that's family!

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